Massage Therapy at Nola Bliss Massage

Professional massage offers the ultimate in physical relaxation. Trained to understand the complexities of the human musculature, the massage therapist will know how to soothe the aches and pains that accumulate in the back, the shoulders, and elsewhere throughout the human body. Massage has a great track record when it comes to promoting health.


However, massage therapy involves a lot more than simply rubbing down sore muscles. This practice comes in many different forms, each with its own benefits. A popular example is seen in the sports massage, which uses specific kinds of strokes to stimulate a response, and is effective in reducing or ending pain.


Massage therapy is performed by a professional who undergoes extensive training to fully learn and understand the complex musculature of the human body. He or she will know how to relieve everything from high tension to lower back pain. 


Visit Nola Bliss Massage to experience it for yourself. This day spa also offers Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy. This service has the therapist massage patients with his or her bare feet, and has been shown to be both effective and relaxing.


Feel free to visit our official website for more information and massage prices. 


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